Dra. Ines Benavides, Curadora de Arte, Favalart

Dra. Inés M. Flores Benavides

Ph.D. in Art History Museographer and art curator

Positions held:

-General Secretary and President of the Asociación Colombiana de Museos.

-National Head of Museos y Restauración in Bogotá.

-Latin American Deputy Secretary of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

-UNESCO consultant and curator.

-Internships at the Metropolitan Museum of New York, invited by the US Government.

-Director of the Banco del Pacífico´s Archaeological Museum   

-National Director of the Museos de la Casa de la Cultura.

-Professor of Fine Arts, Art History and Museography.

Art critic

Fabricio Valverde, in search of vital transcendence

By Dra. Inés M. Flores Benavides.

Among the painters who address the living and throbbing realities of this convulsed era lies Fabricio Valverde. His production has been nourished in his essence and passion, and by an extensive route of diverse aspects that positively converge in a very personal expression.

In his pictorial approach the search for spirituality that transcends the aesthetic, Valverde is more interested in the idea than the process of transformation, which, in plastic terms, experiences the work. The artist is attracted to human forms and recreates them while retaining the life-breath of the model on the canvas.

Valverde sums up the drawing of the human body, which supports any point of view, in terms of shapes and volumes, in such a way that it is a definitive proof of his artistic ability.

Valverde is a creator who explores the changing and fleeting processes of thought, as natural and fleeting channels are from his pictorial production. This has varied greatly over the years, at each stage reflecting his experiences as a testimony of his artistic itinerary. A prolific cartoonist, he explores the contradiction between reality and appearances, exploring the mysteriousness of that duality. And when it comes to the human figure, it balances the values of female forms in a sensual, warm and symbolism-laden way.

Valverde has great expressive resources to communicate with the spectator. His studied chromatic technique, the release of his drawing, the control of light and his handling of shading, call for the interest of the viewer. Sincere, convincing, long-experienced, with this exhibition, he wants to underline its validity in the scene of Ecuadorian plastic.